Set up cancellation reasons

Find out why members are cancelling their membership by adding cancellation reasons below. These are shown to members when they cancel their membership.

For example: "Too expensive", "Not using the membership enough", "Not satisfied with the benefits", etc.

  1. From the main menu, click on Settings and then Cancellation Reasons.

  1. Click on the Add Cancellation Reason button.

  1. After clicking the button, a text box appears below. Enter a cancellation reason. e.g. Too Expensive

  1. Then to add more cancellation reasons, click on the Add Cancellation Reason button again and another text box will appear where you can enter another cancellation reason. Do this as many times as you want to create as many cancellation reasons as you would like.

  1. To delete a cancellation reason, simply click on the trash can icon.

  1. Once you're finished, click Save.

Last updated